Be an example
Become part of the green transition and avoid technical worries about getting everything to work together, because neither you nor your participants have to jump between different IT systems. Everything happens on the same platform for both your physical and virtual attendees.
Fulfill the UN Sustainable Development Goals
When you choose Eventbuizz, you also become part of the green transition. Whether you want to hold a physical event, a virtual event, or a hybrid one, a large part of your events can be conducted paperlessly. And if you want to go all the way and make your events sustainable, you gain access to knowledge sharing with all our customers – and the experiences they have with the green transition
Safety and engagement go hand in hand
When you choose the Eventbuizz digital event management platform, you have full control over the entire execution. This means high operational reliability because you can control all functions, including video and audio, who should speak from the audience, in what order, and when. If changes need to be made to the planned program, all changes are made simultaneously wherever they occur.
Sustainable events – Get more customers, members, and employees to participate
Try Eventbuizz Virtual
Eventbuizz Virtual offers your audience the pleasure of participating in an online event. The platform has all the features essential for keeping your participants involved and engaged throughout. Do something good for the environment while also saving costs on accommodation and transportation.
We’re with you all the way.
At Eventbuizz, we take great pride in ensuring that all events run smoothly – and should any issues arise along the way, we are always ready to solve the challenges that may arise. Whether you’re a planner or organizer seeking extra assurance, a beginner, or feeling unsure, there is always help available – from additional training to having us present at the actual event.
Cool, calm and collected
If you want to become a power user or if you’re facing an extra demanding or complex execution, we are ready to equip you to handle any concerns.
All software licenses for products and features can be
easily tailored to your needs. Contact us for pricing.